Daily Archives: Jun 9, 2018

Manister’s Own; Community Notes: 9th to the 17th June 2018



In the light of the Referendum result,  I believe that it is time for us to look again at the concept of Reparation and to offer ourselves like Christ our Lord for others.

In theology, “Reparation” is the making of amends for insults given to God through sin, either one’s own or another’s.

We need to response to sin in society. We need to respond to Ireland’s sin. We need to do so by uniting with Christ our Lord in making be reparation for the Sin of the World, through adoration, prayer, and sacrifice.

Reparation is motivated by a loving gratitude to God for all that he has done and a deep love desiring to reconcile all men and women, to God’s will.

In Catholic Tradition we understand that through the incarnation, passion, and death of Jesus Christ, we have been redeemed and restored again to Children of God.

By Christ’s loving submission expressed in his abandonment to his passion and death on the cross, Jesus Our Lord has atoned for mankind’s disobedience and sin. Man is restored to grace through the merits of Christ’s death.

Through Baptism, we are enabled us to share in Christ’s act of reconciliation by adding our prayers, works, trials to those of Our Lord. We join with Christ in praying “Father forgive them they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).

In many Catholic communities the practice of the Holy Hour of meditation during the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament during the is encouraged.

Rather than only criticising the false reasoning of those who voted, knowingly and unknowingly, to permit the killing of the innocent in abortion, we need to join with Christ in atoning for our sin and that of all mankind. Please pray, and continue to pray, Damian Ryan


  1. What is the distinguishing characteristic of Holm Oaks?
  2. Where did Moses receive the 10 Commandments?
  3. In which continent did the leak originate?
  4. Who succeeded King David on the throne of Israel?
  5. What kind of animals were the first vertebrates?

An Ancient And Proud Resident Of Manister Parish


The Irish hare is unique to the island of Ireland and is arguably the country’s oldest surviving mammal. It has been present on the island since before the last ice age, which ended around 10,000 years ago.

Irish hares only have about 2 young in every litter. Tragically they are now locally extinct in some areas. Thank God, we have them still in Manister.




(1) Evergreen leaves. (2) On Mt. Sinai. (3) Asia.

(4) King Solomon. (5) Fish.



Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile. (Billy Sunday)


There is no saint without a past and no sinner without a future. (Anon)


To ease another’s heartbreak is to forget your own.

(Malcolm Muggeridge)


When a soul has laid its faults at the feet of God, it feels as though it had wings. (Eugenie De Guerrin)


It is no wonder that Truth is stranger than Fiction. Fiction has to make sence. Mark Twain. calls on us


Nothing is all wrong even a stopped clock is right twice a day. (Anon)


You become old the day regrets take the place of your dreams. (Anon)


A true friend is a gift of God.


As Mariners are guided into port by the shining of a star, so Christians are guided into heaven by Mary. (St. Tomas Aquinas)


Message to Exam students from Bishop Brendan

These are very important exams for the students and the key thing this week is that they try and not allow other issues worry them and give their exams their absolute best.”

Just take it easy, get into the right frame of mind, free yourself from other concerns, in so far as that’s possible, and give it your best.


Knock Shrine Scripture Summer School

Knock Shrine is hosting a Scripture School from 15 – 16 June.

Booking details and cost are are available on the Knock Shrine.




Why not take some time out for you to talk, pray and spend time together as a couple.  Find direction in your marriage, share with other couples….and your children will be cared for in their own space – but in close proximity.

Esker Retreat Centre, Galway, 22nd to 28th July 2018.  Contact Cana Ireland 085 7330191.




INNIU SA STAIR: AA’s Foundation 

Robert Holbrook Smith (also known as Dr. Bob, was an American physician who co-founded Alcoholics Anonymous with Bill Wilson known as Bill W.

He was born in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. His parents wer religious and he reacted against them determined never to attend religious services when he grew up.

Bob began drinking at university. Early on he noticed that he could recover from drinking bouts quicker and easier than his classmates and that he never had headaches, which caused him to believe he was an alcoholic from the time he began drinking. After graduation in 1902, he worked for three years selling hardware in Boston, Chicago, and Montreal and continued drinking heavily. He returned to study medicine at the University of Michigan. His drinking caused him difficulties but he passed his examinations. He transferred to Rush Medical College, but his drinking worsened to the point that his father was summoned to try to help..

After much difficulties. Bob became a hospital intern, and for two years he was able to stay busy enough to refrain from heavy drinking. He married Anne Robinson Ripley on Jan 25th 1915, and opened up his own office in Akron, Ohio, but returned to heavy drinking.

Recognizing his problem, Bob checked himself into more than a dozen hospitals and sanitariums yet failing to stop drinking. For 17 years his life revolved around avoiding his wife’s efforts to stop his drinking while trying to hold together a medical practice in order to support his family and his drinking.

Finally he met Bill Wilson on May 13, 1935. Wilson was an alcoholic who had learned how to stay sober by helping other alcoholics through in New York. His business was failing and was in fear of relapsing. After talking to Bill, Bob stopped drinking and invited Bill to stay in his home. Bob’s last drink was on this day June 10, in 1935, and world-wide is celebrated as the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Contact AA

Limerick Co. 087-9313134

City: 061-311222/085 2406867.


Fr. Damian Ryan P.P.


Email: 4dlord@gmail.com

Website: http://www.4dlord.wordpress.com


Fr Michael Hanley

086 8595733


Sacristan: Moire O’Connell:

Tel. 086-3612424


Finance Committee Chairperson:

John Browne:

Tel. 061-397426


Pastoral Council Chairperson:

Mrs. Ann Murphy:

Tel. 087-7610578


Ladies Club:

Marian Toomey:

Tel. 061-397379


Community Hall Committee:

Jim O’ Connell:

Tel. 086-3468006


Manister Drama Club:

Marcella Byrnes:

Tel. 085-8448814


Garda Siochana Croom

Tel 061 397240



Manister Community Text Alert

Connor             (086) 810 9923

Eamonn          (086) 345 6078

Mary                (087) 7499107

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Filed under Ireland, Limerick, Limerick Diocese, Manister Parish, Parish, Parish Notes