Daily Archives: Jun 23, 2018

Manister’s Own Incorporating COMMUNITY NOTICES 23rd June to July 1st 2018

VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis denounced abortion

as like Nazi Era Eugenics

Pope Francis denounced abortion on Saturday16th June as the “white glove” equivalent of the Nazi-era eugenics program and urged families to accept the  children that God gives them.

Francis spoke off-the-cuff to a meeting denouncing the pre-natal tests that can result in parents choosing to terminate a pregnancy if the fetus is malformed or suffering other problems.

“Last century, the whole world was scandalized by what the Nazis did to purify the race. Today, we do the same thing but with white gloves,” the agencies quoted Francis as saying.

The pope urged families to accept children “as God gives them to us.”

Francis has repeated the strict anti-abortion stance of his predecessors and integrated it into his broader condemnation of what he calls today’s “throw-away culture.”

He has frequently lamented how the sick, the poor, the elderly and the unborn are considered unworthy of protection and dignity

by a society that prizes instead individual prowess.

He has also decried how women are often considered part of this “throw-away culture,” sometimes forced to prostitute themselves.

“How many of you pray for these women who are thrown away, for these women who are used, for these girls who have to sell their own dignity to have a job?” Francis asked during his morning homily Friday.

Francis has dedicated much of his pontificate to preaching about families, marriage and the problems that families today encounter.

These issues he is expected to highlight during his August trip to Ireland where he’ll close out the Catholic Church’s big family rally.


Week Day Masses

Fedamore and Manister

Mon 25th to 29th Fri June

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday

9.30am Manister

  • Tuesday, Thursday

10.00am Fedamore




  1. Who led the British Labour Party from 1983 to 1992?
  2. Who was the pope at the beginning of the 2nd Vatican Council?
  3. The Great fire of London was in what year?
  4. Who was the father of St. Joseph, the husband of Mary?
  5. The Battle of Shiloh was in what war?






Why not take some time out for you to talk, pray and spend time together as a couple.

Find direction in your marriage, share with other couples….and your children will be cared for in their own space in close proximity.

Esker Retreat Centre, Galway,

22nd to 28th July 2018.

Cana Ireland 085 7330191.




(1) Neil Gordon Kinnock. (2) John XXIII. (3) 1666 A.D. (4) Jacob.

(5) The American Civil War.



The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement (anon)


How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?



People who are wrapped up in themselves are overdressed.



Nobody plans to fail, they just fail to plan. It’s the same thing really! (D J M Ryan)


I have a speech impediment, my foot!


It’s discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit. (Anon)

Practice courtesy. You never know when it might become popular again. (M. Ryan)

A person that learns from their mistakes is smart. A person that learns from other people’s mistakes is wise! (C. O’Beirne)

Contact AA

Limerick Co. 087-9313134

City: 061-311222/085 2406867.


June Retreat Days at Glenstal Abbey


Tuesday 26th June –

One Day Silent Retreat for Women.

Wednesday 27th June –

Day Retreat for Women

(not silent).


Thursday 28th June

Day Retreat for Men.

Reflect, relax and pray in the peaceful and beautiful surrounds of the Abbey.


Meals and Refreshment breaks are included.

Cost €45. For more information; 061-621005 / events@glenstal.com


Maranatha Prayer Meeting 

invites you to our Healing Retreat on

Sunday, 24th June, 2018 at 2.30pm

at St. Pauls Church, Dooradoyle, Limerick

with Bishop Fintan Monahan, Killaloe Diocese

and Jomon Joseph, Voice of Peace.


Fr. Damian Ryan P.P.


Email: 4dlord@gmail.com

Website: http://www.4dlord.wordpress.com


Fr Michael Hanley

086 8595733


Sacristan: Moire O’Connell:

Tel. 086-3612424


Finance Committee Chairperson:

John Browne:

Tel. 061-397426


Pastoral Council Chairperson:

Mrs. Ann Murphy:

Tel. 087-7610578


Ladies Club:

Marian Toomey:

Tel. 061-397379


Community Hall Committee:

Jim O’ Connell:

Tel. 086-3468006


Manister Drama Club:

Marcella Byrnes:

Tel. 085-8448814


Garda Siochana Croom

Tel 061 397240



Manister Community Text Alert

Connor             (086) 810 9923

Eamonn          (086) 345 6078

Mary                (087) 7499107



24th June

Douglas Ross Hyde was the 1st President of Ireland from June 1938 to June 1945. He was born at Longford House in Castlerea, County Roscommon on 17th Jan 1860. His father, was Arthur Hyde, the family were originally from Castlehyde, Fermoy, County Cork. He was a Church of Ireland rector in Co. Sligo from 1852 to 1867, and it was there that DouglasHyde spent his early years. In 1867, the family moved to neighbouring Frenchpark, in Co. Roscommon. As a young man, he became fascinated with the old people speaking Irish, which was the first language he began to study in any detail. However, he visited Dublin and realised that there were groups of people, just like him who were interested in Irish.

He chose an academic career in Trinity College, where he became fluent in French, Latin, German, Greek and Hebrew, graduating in 1884 as a moderator in modern literature.

In 1893, he helped found the Conradh na Gaeilge (Gaelic League) to encourage the Irish culture, music, dance and language. Irish republicans (including Patrick Pearse, Éamon de Valera, and Michael Collins), became politicised through their involvement in Conradh However, Hyde had no association with Sinn Féin

He was elected to Seanad Éireann, on 4 February 1925.

In 1925 e returnhed to academia, as Professor of Irish at UCD.

In April 1938, Taoiseach de Valera appointed him to the Seanad.. Hyde was chosen after inter-party negotiations as the first President of Ireland, unopposed. Dr. Douglas He was inaugurated as 1st President; on this day 24th June in 1938

It was also on this day that Seán T O’Ceallaigh, Eamon de Valera and Erskine Childers were all installed, the 24th June in 1945, 1959 and 1973 respectively


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Week Day Masses Fedamore and Manister Mon 25th to 29th Fri June

Mon 25th to 29th Fri June

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday

9.30am Manister


  • Tuesday, Thursday

10.00am Fedamore

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