Monthly Archives: Jul 2018

Manister’s Own Incorporating COMMUNITY NOTICES 22nd to the 29th July 2018

 Teenager to be canonized with Paul VI and Oscar Romero

As the bishops are discussing young people at the synod, young Nunzio Sulprizio will be declared a saint

Pope Francis announced that on October 14th in addition to Paul VI and Oscar Romero, five more people will be canonized, including a young Italian layperson.

The canonization of Blessed Nunzio Sulprizio, who died at age 19, is particularly appropriate as it will take place during the Synod of Bishops on young people and vocation.

Blessed Nunzio Sulprizio was born in Pescosansonesco, Italy, on April 13, 1817, and died in Naples on May 5, 1836.

He will be raised to the altars alongside the same pope who beatified him, Paul VI. His beatification took place as the Church was in the midst of the Second Vatican Council on December 1, 1963.

Nunzio lost both of his parents while still a child and was brought up by an uncle, who abused and exploited him, forcing him to work in his blacksmith shop.

The youth found refuge before the Tabernacle where he would keep Jesus company.

Eventually he contracted gangrene and suffered terribly, but was known to say things such as:

Jesus suffered so much for us and by his merits we await eternal life.

If we suffer a little bit, we will taste the joy of paradise.

Jesus suffered a lot for me. Why should I not suffer for Him?

I would die in order to convert even one sinner.

When asked who was taking care of him, he would respond: “God’s Providence”.

He died from bone cancer in May of 1836 at age 19.

Week Day Masses

Mon 23rd – Fri 27th July

Manister 9.30am

Monday, Tuesday, & Friday

Fedamore 10.00am

Monday, Wednesday,

Thursday, & Friday


Fr. Damian Ryan P.P.





Fr Michael Hanley

086 8595733


Sacristan: Moire O’Connell:

Tel. 086-3612424


Finance Committee Chairperson:

John Browne:

Tel. 061-397426


Pastoral Council Chairperson:

Mrs. Ann Murphy:

Tel. 087-7610578


Ladies Club:

Marian Toomey:

Tel. 061-397379


Community Hall Committee:

Jim O’ Connell:

Tel. 086-3468006


Manister Drama Club:

Marcella Byrnes:

Tel. 085-8448814


Garda Siochana Croom

Tel 061 397240


Manister Community Text Alert

Connor             (086) 810 9923

Eamonn          (086) 345 6078

Mary                (087) 7499107


  1. What disease is spread in minute water droplets?
  2. Who was known as the “Beloved Disciple”?
  3. Which recent American president was called “Dutch”?
  4. Who was the wife of Abraham in the Old Testament?
  5. What sort of creature is a drongo?



Why not take some time out for you to talk, pray and spend time together as a couple.

Find direction in your marriage, share with other couples….and your children will be cared for in their own space in close proximity.

Esker Retreat Centre, Galway,

22nd to 28th July 2018

Cana Ireland 085 7330191.

Contact AA

Limerick Co. 087-9313134

City: 061-311222/085 2406867.


Don’t tell me that worry does not work. I know better. Most of the things I worry about never happen! (Anon)


A coincidence is a small miracle where God chose to remain anonymous. (Heidi Quade)


Sin is not hurtful because it is forbidden. It is forbidden because it is hurtful. (Benjamin  Franklin)


Do not desire to be other than what you are. But desire to be very well what you are. (St. Francis de Sales)


It is difficult to be quiet if you have nothing to do.

(Arthur Schopenhauer)


There is no true solitude without interior solitude.

(Thomas Merton)


Next to power without honour, the most dangerous thing in the world is power without humour. (Eric Sevareid)


Where there is no religion hypocrisy becomes good taste.

(George Bernard Shaw)


Hearts hurt but time heals!




“No One can serve two Masters!”


WMOF Pray-a-Thon

The Pray-a-Thon is an initiative for children in particular as Ireland prepares to host WMOF2018 in August.

It is an invitation to reach out to family members/friends and pray for them and any special intentions they might have. the Pray-a-Thon encourages children in the practice of praying within the family home.


The form is available in church. The Pray-a-Thon is not only for children: it is for everyone!


1) Legionnaires’ Disease.

(2) St. John the Evangelist.

(3) Ronald Reagan.

(4) Sarah. (5) A Bird.

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Filed under Ireland, Limerick, Limerick Diocese, Manister Parish, Masses, Parish, Parish Notes

Manister’s Own Incorporating COMMUNITY NOTICES 14th to the 22nd July 2018

INNIU SA STAIR:  15th July 1940

The S.S. City of Limerick was the first Irish ship to be sunk by German aircraft in World War Two.

Owned by Palgrave Murphy Ltd. and commanded by Captain Robert Ferguson she departed Cartagena, Spain for Liverpool in early July 1940.

At 8 a.m. on 15th July, when 100 miles west of Ushant, she was attacked from astern by an aircraft with machine-gun fire. As the plane roared overhead it dropped a stick of bombs which hit the ship but failed to explode. It returned for another attack and this time two men were killed.

The ship was now stopped and disabled and Captain Robert Ferguson gave the order to abandon her. As the crew pulled away in lifeboats more German planes appeared and following further attacks the ship sank. After a cold night in the boats the survivors were rescued next day by a Belgian trawler and landed at Penzance, Cornwall.

The Shipping Company of W.B. & C. PALGRAVE CO. was formed in the 1830s with the Murphy’s joining in the 1870s, creating Palgrove Murphy. They named their ships after the ports that they served such as: The City of Hamburg, The City of Antwerp, and The City of Limerick

They lost 2 other ships during WWII, The City of Waterford sunk following collision in convoy OG 74 on 19/9/1941 and The City of Bremen bombed and sunk on 2/6/1942

Week Day Masses

Mon 16th – Fri 20th July

I am the Bread of Life

Manister 9.30am

Monday, Tuesday ,Wednesday, & Friday.

Fedamore 10.00am

Monday, Wednesday ,Thursday, & Friday

Month’s Mind

Frank Barry

21st July 2018 At 6pm





1st Year Anniversary Mass

Richard Murphy

5pm Sat 21st July

Celebrated by

Canon G Bluett




Moses led the Hebrew to the Red Sea, where they made unleavened bread which is bread with no beast. The people stayed with the desserts for forty years.

Moses went up Mount Cyanide to get the Ten Commandments. The Fourth Commandment is, Humour your Father and Mother. The Six is, Thou shall not admit adultery. Moses died before he reached the land of Canada.

The People who followed Jesus were known as the 12 Decibels. The wives of the Apostles came to be known as Epistles. St. Paul had the most Epistles. One of the Opossums was St. Matthew, who had been a Taximan.



  1. Who became chancellor of West Germany in 1982?
  2. Who was pope at the end of the Second Vatican Council?
  3. How many players are on a netball team?
  4. What is the first book in the New Testament?
  5. What viral illness is called after a Nigerian village?




Why not take some time out for you to talk, pray and spend time together as a couple.

Find direction in your marriage, share with other couples….and your children will be cared for in their own space in close proximity.

Esker Retreat Centre, Galway,

22nd to 28th July 2018

Cana Ireland 085 7330191.


Contact AA

Limerick Co. 087-9313134

City: 061-311222/085 2406867.


Beware the barrenness of a busy life. (Socrates)


There is no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. (St. Thomas More)


There is one thing to be said for baldness, it’s neat! (Don Harold)


Back of every husband’s achievement is a delighted wife and a surprised mother-in -law. (Brooks Hays)


Housework is what a woman does that nobody notices unless she hasn’t done it. (Evan Esar)


Only one thing has to change for us to know happiness in our lives: where we focus our attention. (Greg Anderson)


The test of a preacher is that his congregation goes away saying, not ‘What a lovely sermon!’ but ‘I will do something.’ (St. Frances de Sales)


I have always regarded nature as the clothing of God. (Alan Hovhaness)


GUILT: the gift that goes on and on giving!



(1) Helmut Kohl. (2) Pope Paul VI.

(3) Seven. (4) St. Matthew’s Gospel. (5) Lassa Fever.




Fr. Damian Ryan P.P.





Fr Michael Hanley

086 8595733


Sacristan: Moire O’Connell:

Tel. 086-3612424


Finance Committee Chairperson:

John Browne:

Tel. 061-397426


Pastoral Council Chairperson:

Mrs. Ann Murphy:

Tel. 087-7610578


Ladies Club:

Marian Toomey:

Tel. 061-397379


Community Hall Committee:

Jim O’ Connell:

Tel. 086-3468006


Manister Drama Club:

Marcella Byrnes:

Tel. 085-8448814


Garda Siochana Croom

Tel 061 397240


Manister Community Text Alert

Connor             (086) 810 9923

Eamonn          (086) 345 6078

Mary                (087) 7499107


WMOF Pray-a-Thon

The Pray-a-Thon is an initiative for children in particular as Ireland prepares to host WMOF2018 in August.

It is an invitation to reach out to family members/friends and pray for them and any special intentions they might have. the Pray-a-Thon encourages children in the practice of praying within the family home.


The form is available in church. The Pray-a-Thon is not only for children: it is for everyone!





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Filed under Catholic, Fedamore Parish, Limerick, Limerick Diocese, Manister Parish, Masses, Parish, Parish Notes

Manister’s Own Incorporating COMMUNITY NOTICES 7th to the 15th July 2018


In the first book of the Bible, “Guinnessis”, God got tired of creating the world so he made the Sabbath to have some time off.


Adam and Eve were a pear under the Apple tree. They were necked that is they had not clothes.


They had two sons, Cain and Stable.


Noah’s wife was Joan of Ark. Noah built an Ark and he loaded the animals by pears. For the forty days they ate the pears. Then God put a Rainbow in the shy to cheer them up.


Lot’s wife was a pillar of salt by day but a ball of fire by night.


Jacob had twelve suns. His son Joseph was musical and was in charge of the horn of Egypt.

He worked for the Queen of Egypt.  She was very beautiful and known as the “Fair O”.


Month’s Mind

Frank Barry

21st July 2018 At 6pm


July: Gettysburg and the Irish Sisters of Mercy

In USA, the Irish Sisters of Mercy would make their impact on the battlefields in the Civil War, beginning a legacy in health care that is still going strong today.

The Battle of Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle and in the aftermath 25 military hospitals were hurriedly set up around Washington to receive the more than 20,000 casualties from both sides

 “Veritable angels of mercy” are the words President Abraham Lincoln used to describe the nuns he saw tending wounded men, Lincoln wrote after visiting Stanton Hospital, staffed by the Sisters of Mercy, founded by Catherine McAuley in Dublin “Of all the forms of charity and benevolence seen in the crowded wards those of the Catholic sisters were among the most efficient,” And again he wrote “More lovely than anything in art are the pictures that remain with me of these sisters going on their rounds of mercy among the suffering and dying.”

The 36 sisters who nursed at the Hospital, near Washington, D.C., were tough practical women. determined, and  intelligent with names like Murphy, Byrne, Ward, Leahy, and Maguire. Six hundred nuns from twelve religious communities served as U.S. Army nurses during the Civil War.

They served on the battlefield and even gave their lives. A group of Sisters of Mercy travelling to St. Louis on a Union steamboat took fire from a Confederate gun battery and worked through it, tending the wounded.

There were moments of Great Pathos or sorrow for example At Gettysburg one sister wiped the blood-covered face of a young soldier to discover that he was her 18 year-old brother.

When the Sisters took over the military hospital as hospital inspector Dr. John M. Kitchen would write was, “in a miserable state of filth and disorder, the sick in wretched conditions,” and the sisters would go on to create “a clean comfortable house for the sick soldiers Whatever success may have attended our efforts is due in great degree to these meek and worthy women.”


Week Day Masses

I am the Bread of Life

Mon 9th – Fri 13th July

Manister 9.30am

Monday, Tuesday

Wednesday, Friday.

Fedamore 10.00am

Monday, Wednesday ,

Thursday, Friday






  1. In what “Top 10” may Angel, Ribbon and Pilao be found?
  2. Which apostle is the patron saint of Scotland?
  3. What sort of creature is a firebrat?
  4. In what year was the Diocese of Limerick established?
  5. Which type of plants are studied by mycologists?




Why not take some time out for you to talk, pray and spend time together as a couple.

Find direction in your marriage, share with other couples….and your children will be cared for in their own space in close proximity.

Esker Retreat Centre, Galway,

22nd to 28th July 2018

Cana Ireland 085 7330191.

Contact AA

Limerick Co. 087-9313134

City: 061-311222/085 2406867.


The best prayers are often more groans than words. (John Bunyan)


In a time of sickness the soul collects itself anew. (Latin proverb)


Gratitude is the memory of the heart. (Jean Baptiste Massieu)


Love is God’s shadow in our universe. (Anon)


Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing. (Anon)


You can’t shake hands with a clenched fist. (Indira Gandi)


Today’s opportunities erase yesterday’s failures. (Gene Brown)


Marriage is three parts love and seven parts forgiveness of sins. (Langdon Mitchell)


Your children need your presence more than your presents. (Jesse Jackson)


Punctual people have nothing better to do. (Anon)



Fr. Damian Ryan P.P.





Fr Michael Hanley

086 8595733


Sacristan: Moire O’Connell:

Tel. 086-3612424


Finance Committee Chairperson:

John Browne:

Tel. 061-397426


Pastoral Council Chairperson:

Mrs. Ann Murphy:

Tel. 087-7610578


Ladies Club:

Marian Toomey:

Tel. 061-397379


Community Hall Committee:

Jim O’ Connell:

Tel. 086-3468006


Manister Drama Club:

Marcella Byrnes:

Tel. 085-8448814


Garda Siochana Croom

Tel 061 397240



Manister Community Text Alert

Connor             (086) 810 9923

Eamonn          (086) 345 6078

Mary                (087) 7499107

WMOF   Pray-a-Thon

The Pray-a-Thon is an initiative for children in particular as Ireland prepares to host WMOF2018 in August.

It is an invitation to reach out to family members/friends and pray for them and any special intentions they might have. the Pray-a-Thon encourages children in the practice of praying within the family home.


The form is available in church. The Pray-a-Thon is not only for children: it is for everyone!




(1) World’s 10 highest waterfalls. (2) St. Andrew. (3) An insect.

(4) 1111 A. D.  (5) Fungi.



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Filed under Fedamore Parish, Limerick, Limerick Diocese, Manister Parish, Parish, Parish Notes